Security Overview
Effective date: 1 January 2019
Last updated on: 1st July 2023
1. We protect your data.
All data is written to multiple disks instantly, backed up daily, and stored in multiple locations. Files that our customers upload are stored on servers that use modern techniques to remove bottlenecks and points of failure.
2. Your data is sent using HTTPS.
Whenever your data is in transit between you and us, everything is encrypted, and sent using HTTPS. Invoices, Client email addresse, phone numbers aren’t encrypted at rest — they are active in our database.
3. Regularly-updated infrastructure.
Our software infrastructure is updated regularly with the latest security patches. Our products run on a dedicated network which is locked down with firewalls and carefully monitored. While perfect security is a moving target, we work with security researchers to keep up with the state-of-the-art in web security.
4. Have a concern? Need to report an incident?
Email us at [email protected]
Our twitter handle is @justinvoivit